Sunday, July 31, 2011

Book Club- 7, 8, & 9

Hello! Has everyone been able to keep up with the reading? Been a little difficult lately for me.I had so much going on with the kids last week, my reading kept getting pushed aside.

When is everyone's favorite time to read? I really have to read when the kids go to bed. Unfortunately, that's when I'm the most sleepy as well.

Any comments about the book anyone would like to share?

What's your favorite distance to run? I really like between 5-10 miles. It makes me feel like I had a good workout and the scenery is usually better too :)

Who here hears a song and has to write it down to add to their iPod? LOL...I always want to do this, then forget. Lately I've been wanting to put on some more 80's music. Haven't had a chance to even charge mine lately! The last run I went on I took my phone and listened to Pandora. I love Madonna and some Mary J. Blige from the 90's...I'm not sure why I haven't added those songs yet?

Do you feel it's the running with a friend that bonds you or just the fact you are dedicating those hours every week to that other person to spend time with them(even if it's tears, sweat and pain)? Is it a gradual thing? One moment-or race-in time that instantly bonded you together?
-Running to me is something special. It's painful and joyful at the same time. I can always count on running to give me a good sweat. And, sharing these moments with a good friend can last a lifetime. I think when I did my marathon this year, it truly bonded me to my best friend. We were definitly great friends before, but there is just something about the training runs and racing for that many miles and everything else that goes into it that changes the "DNA" in our friendship. I will never forget it!

At what mile do you usually turn on the tunes?

If I'm alone, they usually go on from the start. When running with someone, I would say around 10 miles is about the point when the conversation goes and music is needed.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Summer vacation is almost over!!

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